Feng Shui For Fame And Reputation

Ever wonder what people are talking about when they mention a feng shui map, a bagua chart or a bagua map? They’re all talking about the same thing, really. A bagua chart is simply a map you use to determine where the key areas of your home are from a feng shui perspective. These areas are: the Wealth & Prosperity; Fame & Reputation; Relationships (Love); Family; Health; Children & Creativity; Self-Cultivation & Knowledge; Career; and Helpful People & Travel.

You’ll note that there are nine areas of the map. This is often represented as an octagon with health in the middle, but for simplicty’s sake, imagine it as a square, divided into 9 equal squares with health in the middle.

Note: If you’d like to see an actual feng shui map, there’s a link in the resources section of this article, or you can simply google it.

Now, back to our square. Let’s start at the beginning and I’ll show you how to use the map to “map out” your own feng shui chart for your home, apartment or office.

Starting at the bottom of our square, and reading from left to right, we have three sections: Self-Cultivation and Knowledge on the left; Career in the center; and Helpful People & Travel on the right. Feng Shui For Fame And Reputation

If you were holding this square in hour hand, standing at your front door as a visitor, you would position the starting point of your map where your front door is. So if your front door is more centered in your home, it’s in the Career area. If your front door is to the left, Self-Cultivation and Knowledge; and if to the right, Helpful People and Travel. Your front door will always be in one of those three sections. Which one depends on whether you have a center entrance, or your front door is off-center.

The rest of the map is easy. Once you know where your front door is, and in which area it lies, you can map out the rest using that as a reference point. So at the top of our feng shui map (back left of your home) is the Wealth and Prosperity Area. Middle back: Fame & Reputation. Right back: Relationships & Love. Middle left: Family; Center of Your Home: Health; Middle right: Children & Creativity.

Now that you have all this great information, what do you do with it?

Take a look at the areas in your life where you are struggling. Let’s say love has left you dry and your bank account is overdrawn, and your career is stymied. You’d look at the Relationship (back right), Wealth & Prosperity (back left) and Career (front & center) areas of your home and you see: broken window panes, clutter, paint chipping, dust bunnies that could eat Manhattan, plugged drains, crowded furniture … you get the picture.

I always advise a client, when applying feng shui principles to his or her home to start with the area of his/her life (and home) that is of the greatest annoyance. Once my client sees what happens when they make necessary repairs, clear clutter and clean, and then enhance the space with beauty, and once they begin to see these changes reflected in their life, they truly “get it.” Improve your environment and improve your life. Feng Shui For Fame And Reputation

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