The people that most speak about your company, and have the most opinions, are the people that work there – the employees. They go home from work and discuss their day with their partners and families, they talk about their workplace over Friday night drinks or Twitter and the new people that they meet about what they do for work and who they do it for.

Great internal communications, therefore, is the first step to effective reputation management. The PR professional is responsible for both employee communications and reputation management. To ensure a good reputation in the market place, the PR professional must first make sure all employees know and understand company objectives, values, behaviours and position. Harnessing your employees as your reputation base will see that your reputation in the wider community will be favourable, having the best impact on your bottom line.

Importance of the organisation – employee relationship.

Much discussion has taken place over the last decade or so, highlighting the importance of what employees’ think and feel about an organisation. Additionally, bottom-line benefits are directly generated from good reputations. As company reputations are increasingly relevant to an organisation’s success, employee communications are to be part of management strategy planning.

Pat Jackson’s (1998) Total Relationship Model indicates that employee communications are the first vital step in achieving positive relationships with key stakeholders.

Gummerson (2002) reiterates the importance of the PR professional to evaluate messages from management level and ensure all employees, right down to entry-level, have the same perceptions of the business.

Communicating with your employees.

To communicate with your employees to ensure a good reputation an organisation has many options. Newsletters, memo boards, the intranet, presentations and events are all popular. These days companies may be tempted to use ‘trendy’ new media outlets, however research by Sison, M (2006) shows that the most effective way to communicate with employees is face-to-face. Furthermore, employees have a preference as to who that information comes from.

Gray (2005) found that employees want to hear about ‘big picture’ issues from the chief executive, important news from senior and middle management and lots of discussion with their immediate supervisors on everyday and local matters.

Face-to-face communications with employees can be conducted in a variety of ways. Interpersonal discussions, staff meetings, Skype, presentations, focus groups and special events are good examples. The benefits of face-to-face communications include immediacy, a vehicle for feedback, effective two-way communication and the creation of open and honest relationships.

Great Internal Communications encourages employee satisfaction and motivation.

Satisfied employees see the organisation in a positive light and play a key role in developing the organisation’s reputation and how

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