The phrase “His name is mud,” was the story of a man named Samuel Mudd, who was thought to co-conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. His sentence was later revoked, but still, the phrase stuck with him, and over a hundred years later.

How do you want to be remembered or thought? It’s really under your control, how you will create lasting impressions. The best way to ensure a solid reputation sustainable business is to comply with a code on how you live your life. Take a long hard look at yourself, your ideals, values and beliefs. These are the key principles that dictate how you conduct your business.

If you follow these rules in the business of the company’s reputation is at the top of his game:

• Always provide on-the-top service.

• Be on time. Otherwise, tell someone ready.

• Keep your promises – always. Otherwise, do not.

• to pay your bills on time. If you can not, negotiate with suppliers. Least of all, do not hide.

• Take care of your employees and take care of you.

• Admit your mistakes and move on.

• Learn to say no.

• Talk less than others. But when you do, that counts.

It can be said: “These rules are easy!” If it were that easy then why so many companies are are far away from them? It is because of too many employers refuse the idea of “live” sound principles or standards. They do not understand the company’s reputation is more than a graph or a line of financial statements.

While business is the people at your business reputation. People do not care what the bottom line says that while they feel they can trust you. They do not care if you are the size of Dell or McDonald. Your customers value as a local company and the largest online business. They will listen, not only for online surveys, but their neighbors or professional colleagues say about you and your business.

When you follow these simple rules, they will make a difference in three areas: how you are seen by others, how you see your employees and how you feel. And believe me, how would you feel about yourself and your business to dictate what others see.

It takes years to build a decent business reputation. It is noted for building a close friendship – is based on trust, honesty and loyalty. As they grow and mature your business may not be the richest woman in the neighborhood, but you are at peace with yourself. The purpose of life is not just making a lot of money, but to get pleasure from the fact that the path to your goal.

RESCUE MY REPUTATION was created as a result of the collaboration between a Chief Technology Officer and an Attorney/Business Executive with over 14 yrs of experience. We can help with your online reputation management Both are committed to excellence and the both continue to refine the tools they use to achieve the remarkable and tangible results in the shortest period of time.