Dallas, Texas VIP Realty Platinum, and Broker Harry Ridge, had a super successful Second Annual Thanksgiving Brigade Charity Event even in the midst of the Great Recession! He and his team of volunteers put together 42 care packages for the unfortunate homeless in Dallas, a 100% increase over last year. On Thanksgiving eve they provided two meals and care packages full of personal items like socks, gloves, nail clippers, flash lights, lotion, toothbrushes, etc. to desperate, homeless people. They understand the challenges many people are facing in the Great Recession and wanted to step up and help where they could.

Several people and corporate sponsors donated money to purchase food and personal care items. They came together to collect these items, prepare the meals and put together the care packages. Soon after they loaded three vehicles will care packages and went into the streets in the Dallas foreclosure areas where the homeless are known to congregate with their final destination being a well known Dallas homeless shelter where they found dozens and dozens of the homeless sleeping on the sidewalks around the shelter, the shelter being full.

Ridge stated Our experience in the streets of Dallas and the homeless shelter will not soon be forgotten. As well as seeing the many abandoned DFW real estate buildings that were boarded up. The sites and feeling we experienced will leave a lasting impression on all of us. He goes on to say I firmly believe they believe that we should give of our time, knowledge, labor and money to those that need it to most. We should step up when many others step back or step out. If the first law or life is giving and it is, we are all need to take care of ourselves we will so we will be able to take care of others. I am one that hopes that VIP Thanksgiving Brigade will continue to grow in leaps and bounds.

We have a team of knowledgeable, professional Dallas Realtors that can assist you with your relocation needs. Go to VIP Realty Platinum.com and get started Now! Thats all for now. Ill see you next time. http://www.viprealtyplatinum.com

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