Posted August 13, 2014 by & filed under blog.

What greater asset for a doctor than a good reputation? As a doctor your reputation is everything. Your entire practice depends on it.  You have worked relentlessly for several long, hard years. You’ve been on this journey ever since you can remember. It started out as a dream then became a budding reality. This road … READ FULL ARTICLE »

Posted August 12, 2014 by & filed under blog.

Yes, you’re an athlete but you’re also so much more than that. You’re a role model. Whether you like it or not there are always eyes looking to see what you’re doing, what you’re saying and how you’re behaving. You’re heavily scrutinized. Why, you may wonder? Because to lots of people, athletes are who they … READ FULL ARTICLE »

Posted August 11, 2014 by & filed under blog.

In 2008, a business owner found their personal beliefs exposed to the public. There was an immediate and hostile reaction that cemented itself at the top of the search results for both his name and his companys. The companys bottom line suffered. In 2009, an industry leader found that they were the subjects of a … READ FULL ARTICLE »